As leaders reportedly lack self confidence, should HR develop staff independence or engage staff better?

A new report released this week by Gartner has led to the research and advisory company calling on HR to cultivate and develop independence among their employees.  The findings in the  report ‘The Modern Employee Experience’ found that leaders are losing confidence as only 24 per cent of employees trust their manager to help in their day-to-day jobs. Is cultivating independent employees the right response?

While the authors of the report believe that HR should be encouraging self-motivation among their staff, a top executive coach, turnaround executive and mentor to CEOs and their boards believes that HR also needs to address the way leaders interact with staff – and find ways to rebuild trust that are in keeping with modern workplaces.

Peter Ryding, the founder of, says:

I am disappointed, although not surprised, that Gartner reports that over 75% of employees do not trust their manager to help them day to day. In one survey of over 300 senior executives, self-belief consistently appears in the top 3 areas they would like to see improvement.  So if they feel that way, how can the business expect them to convey the character, credibility and capability of building trust?

“The real issue is not that over 75% of employees don’t trust their manager, it’s that managers and HR don’t trust their people or equip and empower them with the skills, advice and support they need when they need it. 

“Managers increasingly don’t have the skills or time to help all their people in the way they used to. It’s not like the master mason of olden days telling an apprentice how to chisel a stone. Managers sometimes have never done the job that their people do.  However, leaders can both reach and equip staff online.

“The win win here is that if managers and HR are brave enough to let go of their old stereotypes and equip, empower and trust their employees, they will do a great job, escape the horrors of micro management and free up both HR and management time for much more strategic and added value activities.”