Cost of staff tea breaks to businesses

Everyone loves a cup of tea at work whether it is a morning pick me up or an afternoon boost. The average person is likely to drink two or more cuppas a day. All of that brew, stir and measuring time adds up, but have you ever thought about how much it actually costs businesses for that tea or coffee?

Data from online retailer, Tea and Coffee, shows just how much your brewing, stirring and sugar measuring can ‘earn’ you over the course of your working life without completing your barista courses.

Analysing data derived from an online survey, tea drinkers can now find out how much money you get paid for the time you spend making your brew at work. Tea and Coffee have worked out that on average a person within the workplace will earn £27,745, from within their overall salary, making hot drinks over the course of their lifetime. By industry this differs:

Architecture – £37,295.41

Sales – £23,261.09

Software Development – £32,276.90

Graphic Design – £23,497.60

Data Analyst – £30,716.23

Tea and Coffee were able to deduce from this study that the accountancy industry spent the most time away from their workstations to make hot drinks for themselves, with accountants earning on average £42,000 in their lifetime making tea. People within the Video, Film & TV industry cost their companies the least amount of total cuppa money over their lifetime totalling at just over £21,000.

People working within The City of Westminster and Harlow earn the most from their time at the kettle compared to those working in Thornton-Cleveleys and Felling who sit at the opposite end of the hot drink league table earning the least from their time at the kettle. 

Now, anyone can figure out just how much time they spend away from the desk and stood in their workplace kitchenette trying to make the perfect cuppa, but Tea and Coffee have developed a handy tool enabling you to figure out how much money you earn based on your cuppa frequency and strength along with your location and job role.

The tool is available here for workers to figure out their income coming from the time spent making a cuppa.